Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kali Terakhir Aku Menyentuh mu....

10 May 2013…. It’s a date where I really cant forget.. the day started as early as 4am in the morning, I woke up earlier than that, my love called me in 3.30am just to help me awake to do my thesis… its was lovely of Mok… I loved u so much… Well, it was in the midst of an early morning and a half-awake body and mind of mine.. i think that this was the first time after so long that i woke up this early since i'm doing my internship worrying bout my thesis rather than finishing up my work in the office

Later That night, I tried to finished what I can with all my might as I didn’t even do anything for my research for the past few month… well, it was great living in new environment which is in Kuala Lumpur, the city that never sleeps as what people r telling me… the city that where people chase their dream and started new life, opening new page of the book you know.. and for me, it was a good chance for me to see the world before my own eyes… and the best things is I can see Mok every day, well, almost every day… hahaha…

Enough with the chit chat… let’s get to the point here, **continuing to the latter one, okay, now, while reading the journals and complaining myself of how stupid I am not to do the work while I have tons of time rather than doing it the very last minute, it struck me that I REALLY CAN DO WORK IN PRESSURE MUCH BETTER but, this is NOT A GOOD THING!

Tick tock tick tock n it was 6am already… well I have to be happy with what I have come up with my research… eventhough it was not finished… hahaha… I have my mental ready to be scold n bash by my advisor (no need to mention her name)… the sun starting to rise up and showering its light upon half of the world, and in my case it is in Melaka… Apartment Yayasan Melaka to be precise… when the time comes for me to start the car engines, my heart pumps like it’s going to burst out of my chest, and at that very moment I was praying to God and hoping that the day will be great and good..

I started driving from Melaka city to Alor Gajah just to meet my lovely advisor.. I know that I’ve arrived at 8.26am, well I like to be early as the appointment was supposed to be at 9am.. so I waited and waited until 10.15am like some looser and loner in the hallway… well it was sucks but I know I have to wait until she comes and scolded me for not doing my work when I was given the time.. lets skipped the boring details and the meeting was adjourned at 1.10pm later… well one thing that u should know that she did scolded me n all of us but we have to do what we have to do… but she didn’t get mad at the point I imagine she would, and for that I was happy and relieved.. :p

**Continuing my way back to Melaka City and of course skipping the Friday Prayers… (Now don’t judge me okay)**

After I parked the car (that’s belonging to my good friend Adan) I straight going up to his room and packed my belongings and getting ready to go to Melaka Central (MC) to go back to Batu Pahat (my home town). I did manage to charged my blackberry for a few minutes before he(Adan) sends me to MC, and off we go… now this is getting interesting, as soon as he dropped me in front of MC, I waved at him good bye and I realize that something was wrong! Damn Wrong!!!!!

** I lost my blackberry, and panic started to come and gets the better of me… **

I tried to call adan and asked him whether I left my blackberry in his car or even in his room, and he said after checking it through that “takdelah, I try cari lagi” i really panicking and sad at the same time…. It was purely my fault… I tried to call my celcom number that is in the blackberry.. (T__T) sumpah terasa macam nak nanges time tu… semua ade dlm tu, emails penting, gambar, video, phone number, documents, my thesis, and the most important things of all is my INTERNET!!!!

Sepanjang menungu bus utk ke balik ke BP, aku hanya mampu duduk diam n merenung kembali kesalahan aku, tulah, lalai dan clumsy… aku try utk call balik no aku tu, utk 3 kali call masih dpt then bila da masuk yg ke 4 trus masuk voicemail… mmg sgt2 lah sedih… tak sampai setahun kot aku pakai bb tu… bulan 9 ni baru nk masuk setahun… time tgu bus mmg aku hanya mampu mendiamkan diri n tahan airmata aku dari mengalir… I know, its just a phone, but this is a phone that I loved and full of my memories… tp yg agak menariknya, sebelum aku kehilangan bb aku tu, aku sempat update status kat fb, and itulah kali terakhir aku dpt pegang bb kesayangan aku… (T__T)

*in the bus*

Mamat sebelah aku ni pulak pakai bb, sepanjang perjalanan 2 jam ke bp tu aku asyik dgr bunyi2 bbm n fb dia je, mau tak sedih bile aku dgr sume sound tu bila aku punya sound da takde… sangat menahan perasaan dalam bus tu, tahan air mata dari keluar… tahan segalanya.. n kalau boleh aku nk meraun sekuat hati time tu… tp apakan daya, bende dah berlaku..

Well… mmg takde rezki lah utk aku kekal ngn bb tu… takpelah… maybe I can get a new one when I’m working nanti… hope aku tak lalai n clumsy lagi next time aku ade phone… well then, lupe nk cakap, da lama aku tak update blog… wauu… nmpknye kehilangan phone ni, mmg buat mood menulis aku keluar semula.. :P

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