Friday, February 4, 2011

Mengaharung air memang susah,,, :P

Wahhhh semlam aku, adik aku, n kazen aku g sek tok amek bot yg my father letakkn kat citu… punyer r susah nk ke sane mengharung air… aku memakai boxer biru n baju kelabu n aku dok lam kolek moja yg ader mortar nyer… sayang seribu kali sayang kos aku nyer boxer yg baru jer dibeli terlekat ngan mortar yg ader lam kolek toe… ishhhh tak macam geram lak kan time toe??? Hahah tp takper r sabar jer r… then gerak r ke sekolah sebb nk teruskn tujuan kami tok mengambil bot ktorg… smpai jer kat kedai lek dowi, ader lah mak kepoh yg bernama mak mah… sakit aty ble dyer yg gemok toe kater aku gemok!!! Tak sedar diri ker?? Penyebok jer n dah lah tak amanah.. Sakit aty tol, kerjenye mkn hak org jerkkk… wekssss

Dah jumper bot yg my father tambatkn kat pokok pinang toe ktorg or in another word me n my brother have to take the bot n peddle it back to our house… OMG.. Its so hard to take it back because we r peddling against the current that is so strong… really hate it coz it takes a lot of our energy just to peddle.. But thankfully my bro, push the boat from behind that saves a whole lot of our energy… :)

The hardship that we have to face is really making me understand the problems that any fisherman have to get through in order to search for rizki… owh BTW the level of the flood is currently decreasing… thank god… :)

After finishing the main job for the day, I went up to the house and only ate meggi n saw the boat filled with water… only to know that the boat is already have a big hole on it… and my mum told me that it was CIK LAN that make our boat to flunk like that… I hate him sooooooo much… he is gonna get it from me someday… :(

People r saying that we have to get ready for the next 4 or 5 years to come because it will be flooded again… whut??? I dun want it… I hate it!!! Waaaaaaaa...

Hahahah… from the start that I wanna get back to malacca by this Sunday but now I'm feeling that I cant get back to malacca because of the flood… hate it...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, february 01, 2011 (5.52 p.m)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The day here start with the calling of my mum, "syafiq…, syafiq…, bgn, nk ambik katil ko nie nk wat pankin.." jam 6.30 a.m… wahhh tgh sedap2 tidur kene bangun n bagi katil aku so dapt angkt barang2 n diletakkat diatasnyer… aku benci banjir!!! Sgt sgt sgt sgt benci!!! Dari jam 6 lebey smpai kol 2 p.m. aku kene berjage n berdiri diatas air yg sejuk separas peha aku… mak aihhhh serius sejuk…. Suasana pagi n harini memng best sgt… tp yg tak best nyer penat nk harung air.. Serious penat giler… kalo korunk kene mesty korunk pun tak ske… seyes… abes sume plan aku nk kuar or g memana tergadai dek air banjir yg menjadi batu opss air penghalang hahha… :P

Lepas penat angkat barang2 toe aku pun g men2 air r ngan adik2 aku hahah… sebab aku dah basah… heheh.. Yg paling best is ble aku angkat reban n kandang burung, arnab n kucing,,, heheh kelakar giler… aku rase cam nk ketawe n antar kat america's funniest home video.. Then abg gundul a.k.a jiran aku mintak tolong angkt motor dyer nek sampan kitorg yg hampir pupus toe hehe… sebb dah bocor :P
Pas settle sume yg perlu diangkat, aku g makan kat umah atas… heheh mak aku masak ayam goreng yg agak masin heheh n labu masak lemak… :P pergh sedap gile koz pas men air memng penat then dpt lak mkn, uishhh nikmatnyer tak terasa… :) syukur pada tuhan masih memberi kami sekeluarga nyawa n udara untuk dihela n dihembus… :)

Then aper g?? Pas mkn mesty r nk tdur hehehe… aku tdor ngan nyenyak sampailah cousin aku panggil , "syafiq.. Syafiq.. Mak ko suh ko kemas baju, nk pindah nie..." OMG!! Lam aty aku, aku taknk pindah… seyes menyusahkan ko tau??? Sgt2 menyusahkan!! Ngan penat lelah mengemas aku pun nek lah bot yg disediakn bapak aku tok ke seberang jalan tok naik tractor so ley gerak ke pusat pemindahan banjir… wekssssssssssssssss…. I hate that place….

Then otw ke tempat pemindahan, terserempak ngan sebuah jeep yg terbenam kat seberang jalan koz mengelak dari melanggar kereta HILUX yg grand2 letak kat tengah2 jalan nie… I hate it.. Hahhaahh… ader video nye.. T aku post kat fb n blog aku k…
Well then nite2 hehe