based on my experience, frens from fb is just for fun and just to kill time when we r bored.. we never actually meet them in person aside than via internet or just using a skype or ym... we prefer to add or have lots of fren just to let people know that we r famous, there's even 5000 fren list for a certain person eventhough he or she is not an artist, singer or even an actor... just by having a good profile picture can let u be fren with almost anybody in fb social network...
there is a different phase or facebooking in fb,
1) is when that particular person is a guy and his fren is made up from mostly guys, and thats mean he is very good looking and the guys or "guys" like him very much....
2) is when a gurl having a lot of fren list that is just because she like to add and accept people just like that, having a thought of "owh, there are people adding me, i must be famous" or "there are actually adding me as their fren?? well pity him then i'll just accept it just to increase my fren list"...
3) third one is mostly bout wanting to have a lot of connection from all over the world or even just from where we were born ...
from all of the deduction that i stated above, i do think that i fall under the 3rd one where i wanted to have connection where ever i might be,,, u see, networking is really important in making a living or to search for help... its not just to show popularity and how hot u r, but to have real connection between them...
i do know that sometimes having a lot of connection is not very good when they cant help u at the time they r needed,,, its kinda sad but we must take a risk ya know... providing that this is experience and just about having funs... as a student myself, this is good cuz the more connection i have the more knowledge i can gather and gain.. :)
well its just my opinion.. its up to u to think whut is best for i will not come up with a conclusion... so sit back, relax and think bout it... :) cheers...