Saturday, December 31, 2011


lame benar rasanye tak update blog aku nie... mmg lame gile... aku hnye akn update ble aku dah benar2 boring n takde mende nk wat...

entry kali ini is becuz aku baru jer DEACTIVATE aku nye FACEBOOK... hehee... mau tau knpe? sebb kat fb sgt bnyk masalh yg telah timbul... masalh kwn, maslh family, mslh tempat tinggal, n paling penting MASALAH RUMAHTANGGA a.k.a. CINTA...

aku betul2 suke kat dye tp dye just buat aku cam budak2 jer... mmg jarak umur ktorg berbeza jauh guk, dye 29, aku 21... tak lah jauh sgt kan?? dye org kedua yg berjaya bukak hati aku... aku tak tau kenapa... tp aku betul2 sayang kat dye... tp dye selalu marah aku akhir2 nie sbb aku bnyk tnye... ermm.. ntah lah... aku tau r dye bz, tp aku just tnye jer kot, buknnye marah pon... last2 dye ley ckp, "i'am getting more upset than ever, n i think the chemistry is lost between us... between us in not doing so well, so let give ourself some space..." . aku takley nk wat ape dah... aku try berbaik tp dye semakin marah ngn segala tindakan aku, even aku just tnye jer kot... now aku dah deactivate fb aku so biar lah... dye nk marah ke ape, asal aku bahagia... lagipun aku dah nk final exam nie... so better aku focus on my final hehe.. wish me luck!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

the newly born me... :)

basically the title of this entry is not even related to the things i wanna share here,,, having frens from facebook's or twitter is not entirely fun things to have...

based on my experience, frens from fb is just for fun and just to kill time when we r bored.. we never actually meet them in person aside than via internet or just using a skype or ym... we prefer to add or have lots of fren just to let people know that we r famous, there's even 5000 fren list for a certain person eventhough he or she is not an artist, singer or even an actor... just by having a good profile picture can let u be fren with almost anybody in fb social network...

there is a different phase or facebooking in fb,
1) is when that particular person is a guy and his fren is made up from mostly guys, and thats mean he is very good looking and the guys or "guys" like him very much....

2) is when a gurl having a lot of fren list that is just because she like to add and accept people just like that, having a thought of "owh, there are people adding me, i must be famous" or "there are actually adding me as their fren?? well pity him then i'll just accept it just to increase my fren list"...

3) third one is mostly bout wanting to have a lot of connection from all over the world or even just from where we were born ...

from all of the deduction that i stated above, i do think that i fall under the 3rd one where i wanted to have connection where ever i might be,,, u see, networking is really important in making a living or to search for help... its not just to show popularity and how hot u r, but to have real connection between them...

i do know that sometimes having a lot of connection is not very good when they cant help u at the time they r needed,,, its kinda sad but we must take a risk ya know... providing that this is experience and just about having funs... as a student myself, this is good cuz the more connection i have the more knowledge i can gather and gain.. :)

well its just my opinion.. its up to u to think whut is best for i will not come up with a conclusion... so sit back, relax and think bout it... :) cheers...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

enjoy bersame batch for the last time..

erm... dah lame tak update blog nie.. time nk update mesty ade hal..
harini dpt guk update heheh.. semalam g kuar reramai kat melaka ngan batch part 6 DIN,, best giler... kuar mkn reramai kat RESTOREN SERI MELAKA yg tak sedap toe n borink.... mknn dye tah pape jer... sakit aty aku nk kunyah daging masak merah dorg erkkkk.....

makan tak sedap, suasane muram hahah... takper asal dpt kuar ngan geng2 sume.... smbil makn mesty lah snap picture kan?? keharusan dlm suatu event... nk dijadikn profile pic lah katenye....

abes mkn g r kat MINI EYE ON MELAKA toe... perghh ktorg pakse lecturer kitorg nek boat yg kedepan kebelakang toe... ntah ape tah namenye... hahahah perghhhhh seram siot... tangan, kaki, perut sume kaku n tak terasa pun ade mende2 toe attach kat badan nie hahhaahhaa....

yg tak boley blah, lecturer toe dah lah lelaki then menjerit2 lak n hampir lah nk pengsan hahaah kelakar gile kot tgk hahha....

then ktorg g lah karaoke kat MAHKOTA PARADE ... perghhh dak2 sume sporting gile kot.. hahaha aku ley nyanyi lagu, PUDAR, WHEN I GROW UP, PUSPA, WANNABE n macam2 g hahaha... :)

lastly ktorg balik.... time kat umah toe dah kol 3 pagy kot kalo tak silap ade lak seko BABI HUTAN yg sesat kat dpn umah.... uissshhhhhhhhh geli giler n dak2 umh jerit WEI BABI WEI, kuat2.... mcm tak penah tgk hahah...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

haruskah aku rasa bersalah??

perlu ke aku rase bersalah ngan diri aku ini?? pabila aku melakukan sesuatu yg tak patut dilakukan oleh insan biasa?? ermmmm sakitnye haty bile memikirkn ape yg semua org ckp kat aku... bukan nye aku tak nk amek kesah ape yg dorg ckp cume aku nie bukannye manusia yg maksum or perfect!!

setiap hari mestylah aku ader wat salah n dosa even sekecil kuman,,, aku tahu akn kesalahan n dosa yg aku buat n aku insafi diri aku setiap malam sebelum tidur, ade korunk tau?? korunk yg hanya menuding jari pada aku n mengeluarkn kate2 kesat korunk kat aku, ingtlah bahawasanye aku juge manusia biasa seperty kalian, melainkn korunk anggap diri korunk toe sempurna sgt...

nk tegur boley tp secara berbudi bahasa lah, ini tak, men serbu jer, n macm lah aku nie berdosa besar wat mende toe, aku still ade agama lagi lah weyh... satu lagi, ko tu lebey mude dari aku, 2 tahun mude, jgn nk tunjuk2 n tuding2 jari kearah aku sambil bercakap ngan ton kurang hajar ko tu,..

sebenarnye bile ko pikir balik, ape salah aku?? ker ko jer menyalahkn aku sebb nk tutup malu ko... takper r.. aku trime jerk ngn haty yg terbuke just nk dijadikn pengajaran jerk lam hidup aku yg tak sempurna nie...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

bermain dengan api...

pabila aku bermain dengan api, maka bertmbh besarlah api itu... boleh pulak? hahha takder r, sajer jer letak tajuk camtu koz nk bagi hangat sikit entry kali ni...

ermmm, nk story kat cini yg aku ni dah cam org gile kot sebb sorunk manusia nie yg bergelar kekasih, erk bekas kekasih,,

dye nie selalu wat aku terpikirkn dye n tringat dye, tp dye mesty akn terlalu bz tok menghantar even one message pun kat aku bile aku mesej... sumtime dye akn suh aku kol dye,, pergh aku ckp ko bhai, maxis ke celcom mahal bhai.... aku kol n dgr suare lunak dye,,, perghh cair bhai... then dye panggil aku ~syaiful sayang~ aku trus, yer~~~ hahha... then so on... asyik2 mcm toe...

then bile masuk topic whut u do today, have u eaten ur dinner?, miss me?, sorry morry segale sume jadi kabur bagi aku... aku rase cam aku tak bersedia lagi nk bergelar kekasih seseorg...
nk ckp aku nie tak romantic erm boley tahan guk ayat yg aku kc, nk ckp tak rety tunjuk kasih syg memg aku tak rety, sebb aku tak penah ckp AKU CINTA PADAMU pun kat dye..

dye jer yg slalu ckp camtu kat aku... erkh... ayat tu adalah ayat yg aku akn gune time aku kawin jer... taknk gune skg, t takder nikmat nyer... gune time malam pertama r bhai baru r ade feeling... huk3 brangan lebey... :P

to me, it is a sacred sentence yg akn menjamin kebahagiaan aku n aku taknk ckp mende toe banyak kali kepada org yg berbeza... sebb aku bkn jenis yg suke nk men2 kn aty org nie.. even kat status fb aku ckp scandalious lah aper lah itu hanyalah perasaan haty jer tak pernah berlaku pun...

but the best part kn, aku n c dye nie sgt jauh jaraknye, jumper pun tak penah, cume ritoe plan r nk book tiket tok jumpe dye bulan 8 nie tp aku break lak ngan dye mlm aku nk book tiket toe... haaha aku tak tau nape or sebb sebenar aku break... maybe sebb aku tersedar yg aku tak ready lagi tok bercinte.. alasan yg sgt bodoh kan??

well that the truth n whut really happens to me.. skg nie just single n hanya focus on my family... just one day i hope i'll be ready n able to say those immortal word's SAYA CINTA AWAK...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

sakit it anugerah tuhan... :)

hye guys... agak lame guk tak update blog nie... bkn ape, tp bz memanjang hik3... ermmm nk cite kat cini, dlm diary electronic n changgih nie yg penulis blog nie jatuh sakit hahaha... sian kat aku yg sakit nie.. tp bkn teruk pun just demam + batuk + seseme... masuk hari ni dah 4 hari aku jatuh sakit...

yg bestnyer, aku tak g clinic or even take proper medicine pun... hahah sebb punye lah pemalas nk gerakkn badan yg sengal2 n lenguh2 nie ke clinic tok jumpe para cendekiawan yg bergelar DOKTOR.... hahhaah.... time sakit ni aku banyak belajar tentang kehidupan ku yg sebelumnya samar2 sekarang sudah terang lagikn bersuluh pulak.... :)
first thing yg aku belajar is

bukannye sume kwn yg kite ade nie sumenye baik2 sgt.. kalau nk tau kwn kite tu kwn sejati ker tak memg lah kene tgk time kite sakit n ape reaksi dye... huishhh kalo kwn aku sakit kan?! aku jage n tnye mcm2 kottt, for example is ko dah mkn? nk aku blikan makann?? ade ubat tak?? nk g clinic tak?? and etc.
saje je nk tnye keadaan kwn kite yg tgh sakit tue kan, t kalo kite sakit dye ley tlg tengok2 kite balik... :)
hakikatnye terbalik lak... uishhh3... hampeh... sgt menyakitkn haty ble terkenang kembali peristiwe 2 ary lepas... sedih pun ade guk, SENTAP lah paling banyak... :(
aku bukan nk ko jage aku sgt tp at the very least ko tnye n amik berat lah sal aku.. kalo takat tnye cam nk taknk jer bek takyah.. hahaha well thats whut happened to me.. just tnye n blah camtu jerk... :)

hehehe aku nie sejak lahir smpai lah skrg, mmg fobia kalo g clinic or hospital... tak tau kenape tp memg sgt sgt sgt fobia... bukan aku takley g tp mesty akn teringt kembali time aku xcdent time umur 6 taun dulu... perghhh kalo ingt balik, kaki belah kanan aku nie hampir putus jerk... takutttttttttttt.... :'( sampai sekarang pun kalo ujan n petir sabung menyabung memg terase lah kat kaki aku tu....
g clinic toe bagus sebb kite nk kn ubt n nasihat dokter so kite akn cepat sembuh... tp kan kalo kes macam aku nie, selagi aku tak teruk selagi tu aku malas nk g... hek3.. well old habit die hard kan???
kalo aku kat umh nie, mesty my mum n dad akn pakse aku g clinic n dorg akn teman lah masuk lam clinic smbil berdepan ngan doctor. hahahah memg malu lah jwpnye hik3...

haaaa ni lah lesson yg paling hardcore aku blaja... ko sakit ker ko sehat ker kerje tetap kerje, jgn ingt sebb ko sakit org len nk kisah n kesian kat ko.. len r kalo ko nk maty hahah.. boley??? kerje group, kerje individu, n macam2 lagi lah... banyak seyh kerje sebagai seorg student ni kan??? nek menyampah lak aku ngadap lappy kesayangan nie wat keje... hahah (dlm mimpi jerk).... well, nk wat camne... nk taknk kne lah wat walau sikit2... time kepala tak pening toe p dok bace document yg kene di summarize kan hahah then bertmbh pening lagi trus amek ubat batuk n tidor hahah... gile heaven time tido toe tp tak terpikir lak keje toe nk kene hantar ahhahaa... arghh lantakkn!!
tp kengkwn jgn ikut saye tau, saye nie pemals hahah tak elok untuk kesihatan... :P

ermm yg nie aku suke nk ckp... sebb ade lah one of y bestie yg amek berat sal aku time sakit nie... hik3.. terase cam ade my mum kat sebelah jer hek3.. even umah dye jauh dari umah aku n berlainan jantina, sanggup dye blikan air hundred plus tok aku time ujan lebat lak toe.. rase sgt terharu sgt... :) tq SHAKILA ANURA ROSLI N HUSZ hehhee.... sayang korunk sesangat (taknk sayang org yg menyakit kn haty toeee)...

last but not least is the greatest lesson that i've learned...
selagi kite mampu merasa kesakitan itu, bermakna kita masih hidup n masih diberi anugerah untuk merasakn kesakitan itu... cube bayangkn kalo kite tak rase sakit langsung even kite sebenarnye sakit, tak ke pelik n sumtin wrong kat citu?? hehe...
tp memg bile kite sakit nie, tuhan sedang menguji hambeNYA samada dye mampu ato tak n mengingati tuhan ato tk... tp kebanyakan org akn ingt TUHAN ble dia sakit, time sehat tkder lah nk ingt hik3... (peringatan tok diri sendiri guk)
so marilah kite sume jatuh sakit?? hahah takder r, semoge kite sume sehat2 belaka hendaknye... AMINNN...

well guys, thats oll that i wanna share in this post... wait n c for the next n exiting post from me,,. have a great sunday evening olls.. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

new beginning

yosh!!! ganbatte minna-san ~~~

memang terbaek, semalam kitorg g ke mc tok cari fillings for sebi's shisha.. then dah g tutup lak mc toe.. tak tau nk watpe g lah melepak kat kedai cempaka yg kat sebelah bank islam toe.. tgh tgu2 ader lak sorunk acik ni g ke arah kedai yg hujung nie n tetibe jer ktorg dgr dyer mrh2... isyhh takder salam takder aper trus2 marah2... pelik n herann... ~~~

then the best part is that acik yg kene serang toe pulak menjerit.. ko nie kenape?? aku tak penah kacau ko kenape ko nk kacau aku??? perghh menjerit punye r kuat.... tak mcm rmi lak kan customer dyer time to n ktorg kat kedai laen yg agk jauh guk tp still ley dgr kot... sungguh menarik n menakutkkn... itulah org kite, budaya dengki mendengki nie memg dah sebati ngan org MELAYU...

hate it very2 much... n kalo tak silap aku, acik penyerang nie dyer antar tikus kot kat kedai acik penjerit nie hahahha... pergh seyes dah gieler kot acik penyerang toe.. ader terdengr makcik tokey yg pat ktorg lepak toe kate acik penyerang toe dah 2 3 kalo wat camtu... ape cer??? aku tak tau sgt so malas nk wat tuduhan tak berasas... just wat deduction jer r...
n my deduction is that acik penyerang jeles ngan perniagaan acik penjerit n wat camtu sebb nk halau acik penjerit toe.. kalo itula kesnyer mmg bodoh lah acik penyerang toe... biar r, itu kan rezeki dyer... tak ghety nk bersyukur langsung... tak pahm2... isyhhh...
then sejurus kejadian toe, ajim dtg... so ktorg melepak r sesame... dgr citer dyer segale n ktorg pun mahu bergerak pulang setelah jam 12.30 pagi hahaha... bapak lame ktorg g melepak kan>?/
tp yg best is ktorg pat gossip baru hihihi... tp gossip toe takley letak kat cini bahaye... biar r kami jer yg tau... :(

jalan yg kami pilih untuk pulng ke INTEKMA GARDEN is jalan lendu, so otw ke sne adalah rumah kwn kami dak dais, so ktorg amek keputusan tok menjenguk dorg setelah sekian lame tak pergi bersemuke ngn dorg hehe... umah dorg agak best r... cume kurng kipas jer... :P
sampai umh jer dah kul 1 hahah... then memg lah aku stat on9 lagi... terbaek, tdor kol 3 pagi walhal kelas kul 8.30 pagi... memg cari pasal kan?? hik3

selepas esoknye, bgun punye awal then bersiap then gerak ke umh bff aku, kila. tgu punye tgu tetibe ade org ckp kelas kencel hahah... memg terbaek lah sgt kan??? dah lah tak cukup tdor then kene g kelas awal then takder kelas lak.. memg cam haram hahah...

me n aisyhah take a decision to go to library to search for the liability cases that we didnt understand... heheh :)
cari punye cari memg tak jumper akhirnye hahha... :P

balik r umh pastu n online lagi... time on9 toe ade lah SAYANG saye on9, ktorg chat tp tak best kos dye nyer IM asyik putus2 jer... spoil mood jer... :(
tp takper asal dye kate dye sayang saya juge... :)

well its to be continued... :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mengaharung air memang susah,,, :P

Wahhhh semlam aku, adik aku, n kazen aku g sek tok amek bot yg my father letakkn kat citu… punyer r susah nk ke sane mengharung air… aku memakai boxer biru n baju kelabu n aku dok lam kolek moja yg ader mortar nyer… sayang seribu kali sayang kos aku nyer boxer yg baru jer dibeli terlekat ngan mortar yg ader lam kolek toe… ishhhh tak macam geram lak kan time toe??? Hahah tp takper r sabar jer r… then gerak r ke sekolah sebb nk teruskn tujuan kami tok mengambil bot ktorg… smpai jer kat kedai lek dowi, ader lah mak kepoh yg bernama mak mah… sakit aty ble dyer yg gemok toe kater aku gemok!!! Tak sedar diri ker?? Penyebok jer n dah lah tak amanah.. Sakit aty tol, kerjenye mkn hak org jerkkk… wekssss

Dah jumper bot yg my father tambatkn kat pokok pinang toe ktorg or in another word me n my brother have to take the bot n peddle it back to our house… OMG.. Its so hard to take it back because we r peddling against the current that is so strong… really hate it coz it takes a lot of our energy just to peddle.. But thankfully my bro, push the boat from behind that saves a whole lot of our energy… :)

The hardship that we have to face is really making me understand the problems that any fisherman have to get through in order to search for rizki… owh BTW the level of the flood is currently decreasing… thank god… :)

After finishing the main job for the day, I went up to the house and only ate meggi n saw the boat filled with water… only to know that the boat is already have a big hole on it… and my mum told me that it was CIK LAN that make our boat to flunk like that… I hate him sooooooo much… he is gonna get it from me someday… :(

People r saying that we have to get ready for the next 4 or 5 years to come because it will be flooded again… whut??? I dun want it… I hate it!!! Waaaaaaaa...

Hahahah… from the start that I wanna get back to malacca by this Sunday but now I'm feeling that I cant get back to malacca because of the flood… hate it...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, february 01, 2011 (5.52 p.m)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The day here start with the calling of my mum, "syafiq…, syafiq…, bgn, nk ambik katil ko nie nk wat pankin.." jam 6.30 a.m… wahhh tgh sedap2 tidur kene bangun n bagi katil aku so dapt angkt barang2 n diletakkat diatasnyer… aku benci banjir!!! Sgt sgt sgt sgt benci!!! Dari jam 6 lebey smpai kol 2 p.m. aku kene berjage n berdiri diatas air yg sejuk separas peha aku… mak aihhhh serius sejuk…. Suasana pagi n harini memng best sgt… tp yg tak best nyer penat nk harung air.. Serious penat giler… kalo korunk kene mesty korunk pun tak ske… seyes… abes sume plan aku nk kuar or g memana tergadai dek air banjir yg menjadi batu opss air penghalang hahha… :P

Lepas penat angkat barang2 toe aku pun g men2 air r ngan adik2 aku hahah… sebab aku dah basah… heheh.. Yg paling best is ble aku angkat reban n kandang burung, arnab n kucing,,, heheh kelakar giler… aku rase cam nk ketawe n antar kat america's funniest home video.. Then abg gundul a.k.a jiran aku mintak tolong angkt motor dyer nek sampan kitorg yg hampir pupus toe hehe… sebb dah bocor :P
Pas settle sume yg perlu diangkat, aku g makan kat umah atas… heheh mak aku masak ayam goreng yg agak masin heheh n labu masak lemak… :P pergh sedap gile koz pas men air memng penat then dpt lak mkn, uishhh nikmatnyer tak terasa… :) syukur pada tuhan masih memberi kami sekeluarga nyawa n udara untuk dihela n dihembus… :)

Then aper g?? Pas mkn mesty r nk tdur hehehe… aku tdor ngan nyenyak sampailah cousin aku panggil , "syafiq.. Syafiq.. Mak ko suh ko kemas baju, nk pindah nie..." OMG!! Lam aty aku, aku taknk pindah… seyes menyusahkan ko tau??? Sgt2 menyusahkan!! Ngan penat lelah mengemas aku pun nek lah bot yg disediakn bapak aku tok ke seberang jalan tok naik tractor so ley gerak ke pusat pemindahan banjir… wekssssssssssssssss…. I hate that place….

Then otw ke tempat pemindahan, terserempak ngan sebuah jeep yg terbenam kat seberang jalan koz mengelak dari melanggar kereta HILUX yg grand2 letak kat tengah2 jalan nie… I hate it.. Hahhaahh… ader video nye.. T aku post kat fb n blog aku k…
Well then nite2 hehe

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

kepenatan berjalan membeli tiket hahah

wahhh... hari ni memg berst berjalan2 ngan kwn2 bek, afiq n kila..... tp yg bestnyer, ktorg nek bus tau hehehe... memg gamble habis-habisan sebb nak g MC carik tiket bus balik raye cine nie... erm MC toe MELAKA CENTRAL tau bkn mender len hehehe....
alhamdullilah tiket ader tp yg tak bestnyer aku nyer kad atm bimb rosak lak... habis tak ley withdraw money... :'(

penat beratur tp takley withdraw.... cam haram jerkkkk.... biarkan itu dahulu, then ktorg g MP tok makn tengahari kat SEOUL GARDEN... perghhhh kenyang n best giler kottttt.... sedap yg teramat n kalo dah sedp mesty lah hargenyer pun sedappp..
kalo mkn kat ctu. bayarannyer rm30 sumtin jer, tp yg bestnyer kiter ley amek seberaper banyk lauk yg kiter nk n masak sendiri... memg best... siap ader aiskrim lagi... memg sedap gilerrrrrrr...... saper yg g katsne memg kenyang n puas aty... heehehehe.... :)

then pas abes mkn, ktorg g tgk2 barang r kat mp... heheheh then g ke dp tok men bowling tp tak jadik so ktorg g r game corner toe... besttttt... aku men game kete lwn kila n aku ley kalah hahha... 2 kali lak toe.... then try game yg tangkap patung toe tp tak pat walau try 4 kalo ok... memg bende toe dah di set tok takkn dpt hehehe... :P...

then g men dance2 kat ctoe guk... bapak susah hahah sampai berpeluh2 aku hahha... tp memg best!!!! last sem lak kan kuar... heheheh... then ingt nk men archery p dorg taknk.... takper2 next time g lagi hehehe... :)

then ktorg balik r ke alor gajah... ngan dlm bus baper org jerk ktorg memekak hahahha.... memg terbaek... smpai alor gajah kene amek taxi kot sebb dah takder bus lagi yg akn ke uitm... hahah kopak wet rm4 sorunk, kalo 4 darab 3 brape??? korunk kire lah sendrik hehehe... :P

toe jer r aper yg aku nk share kat blog aku rini... heheh harap sok akn lebey menarik lak citer nyer ok??? c u again... :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

malam induction...

hari ni, patotnyer kene wat kerje transport pagi2 kol 10.30 tp aku tak bgn lagi, n yg konon2nye groupmate aka roommate aku nie dah bgn tp tak kejut aku tok g mandy or just get ready to go... but sbnrnye aku dah bgn just nk tgk dyer akn kejut aku ker tak... last2 tak kejut pun just ckp "matu t jumper kat umh aishah ekh??", pergh sentap guk aku kalo cmni ary2, dah toe dyer ckp camtu at 10.28 a.m pulak.... perghhh memang best lah kn kalo nk suh aku bersiap cepat lam 2 minit... skg nie aku nk lambt2 biar dorg rase... aku taknk group ngan dorg g pasnie.... :P

heheh... dah sampai mase tok induct budak part 1 td,... wahhh memng boring dorg nyer persembahan tp ble kene induct ngan ktorg, best giler... hehehehe.... memg best,... lagi2 ble aku pakse dorg ingt sejibik name aku daRi MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL SYAFIQ SABARI DIN 6B MATU heheh....

klak giler dorg td hehe... mcm2 ubh name ku ker SYAIFUL BIN SYAFIQ, SYAIFUL SYAFIQ SHAHBARI, SYAFIQ BIN SAIFUL , n mcm2 r hehehe... sungguh cute korunk sume kan??? heheheh... takper2 adik2 junior abg, abg sayunk korunk.....

heheh... malam dah nie... rasenyer dah cukup... ekhhh ader lagi, sok pas kelas ent300 nk gerak g mc carik tiket bus balik bp tok raye chine nie.... hehhe rase cam nk balik sem lak heheh... aku, kila n afiq akn g... hhehhehe mc, sedia lh trime kdtgn kamik...


alam maya

wahhhh... hari ni aku memg bz ngan kehidupan sosial aku di alam maya... aku active kn sume laman sosial yg ader, facebook, twitter, myspace, friendster, tagged, skype, ym, n including blog nie gukkkk... wah sgt best lah kalo aku dpt wat sume nie ary2 heheh... :)
kepada yg terase ngan aper yg aku wat nie jgn lah yer hahahhhaaa....

haaa tp yg penting kan... aku aryni sgt terase aty ngan sumone... memg betol aper yg org kater, kalo org dari negeri itu berjumper ngan org or kwn2 dari negery yg same akn luper kwn dari negery laen... sedihhh woooohhh... tp nk wat camner kan??? hidup tak slalu nyer indah... so we have to bear it jer lahhh...

sok tak ader kelas so sok kene lah siapkn segale xsignmnt yg ader supaye time cuty t takder kerje yg akn kene wat hahah... jgn nk malas2 sgt hehehe....

Such a lousy day for me...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

12:03 AM

Today I was supposed to be a good student hahha just wanna be a spoiled brat once in a while… my part of the day is quite good until to the evening part..

I HATED IT!!! Y do they would make me feel like I'm an outsider??? Is it me or is it just that I'm not compatible to them anymore???

It hurts me so deep that I wanted to cry out loud so they can feel my pain… but knowing them, they'll just laugh at me and ignored me… of course, u know y?? It is because they don’t even care for me, whut they only cared is LABOK!!!

I wont blame him for that, this is because that he is the one person in the house that is manly enough to be hanging around with such a lousy pussy like KELI… I hate him!!!!

If labok wanna use the laptop for the whole hour it is fine to him, but I just wanna use it for a few minutes n he started to say "matu, aku nk gune laptop, nk online..." but if it is labok using it, then he'll says "takperlah ko gune jer r.. T dah siap kc aku..."

in ^

Having to live with all this zombies is so hard u know??? I cant believed that there are people like that in this world… and it is so damn bad to meet with people like that so make sure to choose your friend wisely!!!

They're man-eating bitches that disguise themselves as human that looked good outside but in the inside is so stinks and dark!!!

It is like what people said that "don’t judge a book by its cover.."

I like to use as many idioms that I know so that I can be a knowledgeable person in the next day…

But I cant help it though, hahahah so I guess that the solution is to be as hard as u can so that I wont get hurt by them or any other vicious and bad person in the world!!!

    Serious I hate him.. Not even that, he always make fun of me, saying that I'm not the same as them… those words coming out from him, the person that I hate making me feel sooooo hurt!!!!

    Audio recording started: 12:16 AM Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    And when I'm trying to fit in there are always obstacle from them…. Erm not then actually, but keli!!!!

    He is so stupid to me!!! Pretending to be so hot and annoying at he same time… I do really annoyed with his attitude… I'm not saying that I'm perfect but there is a limit for me to accept who u r.. Dun just throw your real in front of me the one that u hate ok!!! If I told u to stop then stop, only then I wont be really bad to u…

    There's a saying that "u have to respect other people first before u earn their respect..." in that case dun make people annoyed with u before they know u…

    He is always saying bad things bout me, n in fact that he know I'm a sensitive person he still dare to make me feel so hurtful… people need to change or is it me that need to be tougher??? First make sure of having a lot of friend around u that is really wanna be friend with u not because that they wanted something from u or expected something from u… people nowadays cant be easily trusted or u'll get beaten by them.. They will crush and step on u like squashing an ant…

Video recording started: 12:32 AM Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I want a real friend that can help he to get out from this mess immediately!!!!!

In this jungle, the law that been used is SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!!! Only the strong will survived n the weak will die…….. And of course that I dun want to be the weak, I will be on the top so that I can show them that I can be a better person from them!!!